One year ago I was interning at Athletes Performance in Frisco, Texas. At that point I knew nothing about how systematically programming workouts could yield optimum performance gains or how those underlying bodily components work together to improve your bodies performance. Not just athletic performance but how the body performs in response to the rigorous demands of daily movements. I spend a lot of time working to perfect and improve my trade, whether it's reading books to understand the anatomy of the body or watching videos and podcast from the top specialist, coaches and therapists in my field. Even though they all have a degree of some sort they never stop learning and teaching themselves This past SUNDAY I listened to a very informative podcast from Nick Winkleman, Director of training systems and Education at Athletes Performance in Phoenix, Arizona and the first tip he gave was to Self educate and Apply what you learn. A year consists of 12 months and the first portion of the year he would educate himself on something new to install to what he already knows and the second half he would implement some of the things learned into his training systems, thus improving his craft. This not only works for me but will help anyone who wants to progressively continue learning and become the best they can be in their field. Never stop learning!!!
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