Eating clean may not be so easy but i'm going to share three simple tips that i think will make your transition a fairly easy one. Many people struggle with eating properly, enough meals throughout the day and others just simply do not know what to eat; no direction whatsoever. The first tip would be "The less legs the better", this is referring to your protein intake. The least legs on the animal the better the protein is for you, From most to least, Pork, Beef, Turkey, Chicken and Fish having none of course. The second tip is to "Eat a rainbow", many people over load on protein and carbohydrates but lack any type of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables come in all different shapes and colors so therefore add vegetables to your plate and eat a rainbow daily. Last tip is "Brown close to the ground" this mean eat more grains and oats, substitute whole brown grains with white rice, white bread and other artificial food. These food play many roles in the body, they can help your digestive system and keep your bowels regular, can reduce cholesterol levels and also are good for healthy heart function.. Remember these three tips when you go to the grocery store and also when you go home to prepare your meals. Nutrition is very important to living and being healthy, it may not be easy but use these three tip and take minimal small steps and you will get to living the healthy lifestyle you've always dreamed of..
Darelle Noel
FS Group
Fitness Specialist/ Performance Coach
Eat Fit|Live Fit|FreshFit
Darelle Noel
FS Group
Fitness Specialist/ Performance Coach
Eat Fit|Live Fit|FreshFit
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